About FoSS
The Friends of Smart Specialisation (FoSS) is a group of independent innovation policy experts, set up in Brussels in 2018. The group’s goal is to support the mainstreaming of smart specialisation as an instrument for strengthening the multi-level European innovation system.
Smart Specialisation can play a coordinating role in European policy development in aligning innovation and transformation policies at different levels (regional, national, European). Smart Specialisation can, in particular, support the development of a common reference framework for aligning forces to tackle common challenges and opportunities.The group have produced a mission statement that gives an overview of the group’s thinking on smart specialisation.

Our Latest Documents
Below you will find an overview of our latest documents, including FoSS publications, presentations as well as useful references.

FoSS Session at RSA Regions in Recovery Conference
The European Green Deal is the new growth strategy of the EU. Introduced in 2019 along with the Digital Agenda, the Green Deal and the Digital Agenda became the twin-track policy drivers for the 2021-2027 financial period supported by cohesion, research and innovation and industrial strategies.

Investing for resilience and recovery: defining a new role for clusters and smart specialisation
This workshop will critically examine how regional policy and cluster organisations are collaborating in developing and implementing smart specialisation strategies at regional and European level through two regional case studies and expert opinion.
Latest Tweets
The Friends
The Friends of Smart Specialisation (FoSS) is a group of independent innovation policy experts, set up in Brussels in 2018.